What We Do

DMWD focusses on 7 main areas in delivering its various programs and achieving its primary objectives.


Education, education and more education. The DMWD crew, including professional staff and sportspeople conduct education sessions in schools and sporting clubs throughout the year – including weekends and school holidays. (Currently the sessions are designated in selected areas in NSW, i.e. lower North Shore, South Sydney, Inner West including Ashfield, Castle Hill and Hills District and Blacktown on a regular basis). Details of our education programs and areas covered will be announced on this website ,media releases and our monthly newsletter.

We have different presentations for different audiences and needs. The message is always the same:

Don’t Mess With Danger, Don’t Mess With Death and DON’T MESS WITH DRUGS.

Invite us to your school or sporting club and we will schedule a visit. It’s completely FREE. Email your request to [email protected]. We currently present to anyone over the ages of 16. Our message is particularly suited to 16-24 year olds. Presentations range from 15 minutes to 60 minutes and is always followed by a Q&A session. In addition DMWD has 3 higher level modules for more advanced knowledge and capacity building to deal with drugs. Check our SERVICES section for program structure .

In addition to schools and sporting clubs, DMWD also conducts evening information sessions  for the general public at various venues throughout metropolitan Sydney. We will present if  you can arrange a venue and invite interested people to these presentations. These presentations are always FREE.


Mentoring or what we call the ‘DMWD Buddy System.’ This unique program connects young sports people to various roles models in our community. Come to one of our presentations to learn about this program.


Helpline and Rehabilitation: This is planned to roll out later in 2017/2018. It will provide two main  services:

A helpline to those at risk and needing help. If we can’t provide the full range of services to provide initial help, we refer callers to an appropriate agency or health services centre.

Rehabilitation services. We intend to provide service to those that may not require the current mainstream rehabilitation services. Come to one of our presentations to learn about our rehabilitation services.


DMWD has commenced and will continue to provide community relief in the form of food services to those impacted by the misuse and abuse of drugs. DMWD provides such services in selected areas.

Check our events schedule where these services are provided. DMWD food services includes the supply of cooked meals in council parks ,or via its food van. DMWD also provides food supply to selected individuals in other areas.

DMWD firmly believes the provision of daily food has a significant positive impact on those struggling with the effects of drug use on any given day.


DMWD provides temporary accommodation to those impacted by the misuse of drugs and drugs abuse who have nowhere to stay. These services is reserved for students and young sportsmen in selected areas. Please contact us for details.


If you are impacted by the misuse of drugs or abuse of drugs or know of someone who is impacted and needs professional legal and financial help and advice please contact us. DMWD’s panel of professionals can provide services relating to guardianship, financial management, representation at tribunals and other related matters.


Change does not happen by itself. Good public policy needs to be formulated in consultation with key stakeholders and those likely to be impacted . Such policies then need to be put out in the public and firmly advocated until appropriate legislation come into effect. DMWD will be a strong public advocate for good public policy.