2nd April 2016
Daniel Prasad has announced that he has set up a Non for Profit Organization and charity called Don’t Mess With Drugs (DMWD ) Foundation to focus on drug issues in our community and in particular on drug issues relating to young people and sportspeople.
Mr. Prasad said the charity will start to commence its initial activities once registration with the ATO is completed and ABN is obtained and other appointments made.
Mr. Prasad said he took up the challenge of addressing this issue after being prompted bya group of young sportspeople in his Football FIRST coaching academy who identified drugs as the major issue facing young people. Mr. Prasad said he has discussed this issue with some parents and other coaches and there was overwhelming support for the project.
4th April 2016
DMWD Foundation obtained its ABN registration and selected North Sydney as it Head
Office location. To assist with the development of DMWD and represent the views of
young sportspeople, Mr. Prasad. appointed Renato Sanchez and Nicolas Muscio to the
DMWD team and said there was a larger group of individuals working in the background to shape the Foundation.
2. May 2016
DMWD releases Beta version of website. www.dmwd.com.au., DMWD Logo and
supporting slogan. The Chairman said the development of the DMWD Logo and
supporting slogan were selected after a series of consultations with various youth groups from a series of designs. Mr. Prasad said the Logo and slogan resonated with the youth and that this may form the basis of future merchandising of products used in promoting the activities of DMWD Foundation. Mr. Prasad also said the beta version of the website was developed in collaboration with local youth input and that would initially form the main platform of promoting DMWD’s activities. Mr. Prasad thanked Jacquie Lambscombe of Apple Tree for the final graphic design of the logo and supporting material. He also thanked Rama Dwarapudi and his IT team in developing the beta version of DMWD’s in such quick time.
3. June 2016
DMWD announces its Vision & Mission statement and key objectives and some planned
activities for the rest of the year. The Chairman of DMWD, Daniel Prasad in announcing its Vision & Mission Statement said drugs was a key issue in the community and The DMWD team was committed to driving change for the better.
DMWD Vision: To create better communities that are free of drugs and other harmful
DMWD Mission: To prevent the misuse of drugs, abuse of drugs and available addiction of drugs and other substances by students and young sportspeople in our communities.
4. July 2016
DMWD announces series of community involvement and engagement with Schools and
sporting clubs and other community work.
DMWD has commenced some community relief work in helping those impacted by drugs. DMWD will operate barbecues in various local parks to support and feed people who are homeless and impacted by drugs. Mr. Prasad said such activities will be undertaken by volunteers and mostly be made up of young people putting something back into the community. DMWD welcomed all new volunteers and their contribution to its cause.
DMWD was also thankful for the support of Bunnings Artarmon for allowing the Foundation to do fund-raising barbecues during some weekdays. Funds raised from these activities fully funded DMWD’s community events.
In addition, DMWD was commencing informal education testing of programs with various local sporting clubs and local schools. The plan was to conduct pilot programs within the next 12 months.
5. Aug 2016
In addition to conducting further informal pilot programs with sporting clubs, DMWD
Foundation has also commenced a series of community information sessions to get a
broader perspective of the key issues.
As a result of these community sessions, DMWD will also conduct questionnaires’ and
surveys to determine it activities and formulate policy for the future. These questionnaires
and surveys are available at DMWD Information sessions or at other community events.
Renato Sanchez, Team Leader at DMWD said the requests for the survey and
questionnaires forms was overwhelming and said it was good to see parents and young
people take a positive approach to the issues that matter.
DMWD farewells Team Leader Nico Muscio to Texas US, where Nico will professionally
train as a footballer for an expected 6 months.
Dillan Kahane joins DMWD as Team Leader.
6. Sept 2016
DMWD announces its initial three main pillars to address drugs issues with students and young sportspeople.
DMWD Chairman Daniel Prasad said after five months of activities DMWD had formally adopted its initial three main pillars. Mr. Prasad said community consultation confirmed the current three pillar strategy.
DMWD’s three main pillars will focus on.
1. Education to all the key stakeholders
2 Mentoring to young people: A communicate and Connect Strategy.
3. Direct Community relief to those most impacted by drug issues in our community,
Mr. Prasad said DWMD would gradually increase its objectives based on further rounds
of community consultation and progress of the Charity’s activities.
7. Oct 2016
DMWD announces merchandise range for its crew, volunteers, and supports. Team
Leader Renato Sanchez said that the tee-shirts, caps and jackets were warmly welcomed
by the crew who wore them at various community events. Renato said the current DMWD gear has street credibility and that DMWD was considering a broader range for sale to its members in the New Year.
DMWD announces pilot programs with schools and sporting clubs and community groups. DMWD acquires a community van to support the community programs.
8. Nov 2016
DMWD announce preliminary results of its surveys and questionnaires.
Chairman Daniel Prasad said that preliminary results would be considered in planning the activities of DMWD’s community activities and in particular issues relating to drug
education and concerns of young people and parents. A key finding was that majority of
young people and parents DID NOT TRUST the police and the existing laws relating to
drugs and other substances. The second most important finding was that young people
trusted their peers over their parents and teachers. Young sportspeople trusted their
coaches the most. DMWD will conduct furthers survey on a period basis.
9. Dec 2016
DMWD announces staff appointments. Christopher Zaw and Nicola Petek joined the
DMWD team on a casual / part-time basis to assist in various capacities. Both Chris &
Nicola had previously done some DMWD volunteer work and bring new skills to the group.
10. Jan 2017
DMWD releases Version two of its website.
DMWD announces the DMWD Pledge Commitment for various stakeholders. This
provides a tangible commitment to DMWD values and a key indicator of participation in DMWD programs. DMWD would roll out this program as part of it community activities and education programs.
11. Feb 2017
DMWD announces Ambassador /Mentor program. This program forms a cornerstone of DMWD’s strategy to address drug issues with students and young people. Mr. Prasad
said that this would be further refined and would be officially rolled out In June 2017. The Mentoring or “DMWD Buddy” was much more than just role models but part of a
Communicate & Connect method to allow young people to draw on positive influences to manage their lives. Please refer to the website for details www.dmwd.com.au
12. March 2017
DMWD makes staff appointment.
DMWD has appointed Brent Plimpton as Community Development Manager. Brent will
engage with the local community in which DMWD operates on a range of matters
including, local awareness, community fundraising, community events, and local
relationships with individual and community groups and businesses. Brent will also
supervise a group of Team leaders and teams of volunteers. Brent had previously done
some volunteer work with DMWD.
13. April 2017
DMWD completes first year of operations. A successful initial year. However much hard
work lies ahead. DMWD releases version three of its website with new content and features. Reflects input from various stakeholders.
14. May 2017
DMWD Launches Speaker Series to bring attention to Drug issues in our Community and other Public policy issues.
The DMWD Foundation has launched the first of a proposed ten speaker series planned
for the coming months at the picturesque Harbour View in North Sydney. The “hot” topic to open the series was the much debated and worrying Housing crisis –Beyond the Politics, facts, policy and solutions.
Those who attended included businessmen, students and local government. A question
and answer opportunity was provided. In the coming months the DMWD Foundation
Chairman Daniel Prasad will address topical issues including.
– Tax Reform
– Education Reform
– Small Business
– Superannuation
– Health
– Foreign Aid
– Electoral Reform.
The Chairman also provided an insight into the Foundation and what it represents. He
added “The purpose of the Speaker Series is to bring attention to Drug issues in the
community and also other Public Policy issues “he said.
15. June 2017
DMWD Foundation is registered with ACNC.
The Don’t Mess with Drugs Foundation is now registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Non for Profits Commission ACNC. This, provides national recognition for Don’t Mess with Drugs Foundation who plan to spread their message Australia wide. Don’t Mess with Drugs Foundation Chairman, Daniel Prasad was delighted with the news which was the culmination of many months of providing the required documentation and ensuring the foundation met the guidelines.
‘’This now allows us to do the work needed to achieve our vision of eliminating and
preventing the mi use and abuse of drugs in the community”
He added “Don’t Mess with Drugs Foundation’s key focus is preventing young people and in particular, students and young sportspeople from using illicit drugs.”
DMWD has appointed Tony Peters as Communications and Partnership Manager .Tony
will source potential partners in education, sport, schools and the community.
Tony Peters is a Multi Award winning Television Journalist. His twenty five years in the
Sydney Media combined with Sports Management experience with Football NSW and
Cricket’s Big Bash provides DMWD Foundation with a powerful contact and management base. Peters was on Channel Ten News presenting the latest in Rugby League, Cricket and other sports. He is a winner of the most prestigious Media Award –the Walkley. He has also won NSW Sports Federation Government Awards for best promotion of sport –football.
16. July 2017
DMWD Foundation to conduct a pilot program through Football NSW.
In one of the biggest developments yet, in this start up Foundation, the largest sporting
organization in Australia, Football NSW, has agreed to conduct a pilot program with two of its Associations. Players (young men and women aged 16-24 years) from the Blacktown and Sutherland (the biggest in Australia) Associations will be joined by Sutherland Sharks NPL club players in a six week program. Players, parents and coaches will all complete a separate series of three modules over the period.
At the conclusion of the program, the players will all receive certificates of completion.
The program will begin with an introduction to DMWD. Drugs and young people.
Important things to know about drugs, you your parents and the law covers first module.The second module recaps Program one. Drugs in our community and young people are included in stage two. Important things to know about drugs, you, your parents and the law is included in stage two. Specific Drugs Information, Mentoring Program, a Case Study and a Question and Answer session are also included.
The Third Stage includes a recap of Programs one and two. The above areas are expanded on in this stage. DMWD Ambassadors, Advocacy is included. Tips to young people. Dealing with parents, coaches and peers. Case Studies, Q and A, and the module concludes with Assessment and Feedback.
4th August, 2017
21. July 2017