DMWD Partners

Individuals, groups, business entities, community organisations, schools, sporting clubs and associations can partner with DMWD and/or assist DMWD with it’s community services.

Align your values with DMWD’s mission for a better community and healthy outcomes.

Consider the following DMWD Foundation Partnerships:

1. DMWD's Champion for Youth & Students (2)

DMWD’s Champion for Youth & Students supporters are Australian small and medium-sized business who have made DMWD’s work their business.

Join our network of Australian businesses and show, no matter what your size or type of support, you can form a powerful partnership with DMWD to help prevent the misuse and abuse of drugs by our young people.

As a Champion for Youth & Students, DMWD will provide the supporter material you need to show your community you’re giving back. This includes:

-The official DMWD Champion for Youth & Students branding and materials (logo, certificate, copy, images) to showcase your company’s efforts in creating positive change for young people in Australia.

-Confidence that your donation is giving Australia’s most vulnerable youth and students the very best chance to avoid addiction to drugs.

-Regular updates on where your donation is saving and improving lives.

Are you interested in becoming a Champion for our Youth & Students?
Acknowledgement as a Champion for Youth & Students begins with a Bronze supporter level contribution of $100+ per month. Silver and Gold supporter levels are also available with a contribution of $200+ and $500 + per month, respectively.

Who can become a Champion for Youth & Students?
Almost any small- to medium-sized business can get involved by becoming a Champion for Youth & Students. We just have a few simple requirements that you should review before getting started, just so we’re on the same page:

  • All companies & businesses seeking to enter into a partnership with the DMWD Foundation must have been in business for a minimum of one year or can provide confidence of the business’ capacity to make regular contributions to the DMWD Foundation.
  • DMWD has identified certain industry sectors and businesses that cannot align with our core values and therefore cannot be endorsed as Champion for Youth & Students supporters.

If you have any queries about the Champions for Youth & Students program, or whether your organisation meets the our criteria , please feel free to contact a member of our Community Partnership Team by emailing [email protected]

Champion  for Sportspeople

DMWD’s Champion for Sportspeople Supporters are Australian Sporting Clubs and Associations who have made DMWD’s work part of their priority.

Join our network of Australian Sporting Clubs and Associations and show you can form a powerful partnership with DMWD to help prevent the misuse and abuse of drugs by our young sports people students and all sportspeople.

As a Champion for Sportspeople , DMWD will provide the supporter material your club or association needs, to show your sporting community you’re giving this priority. This includes:

-The official DMWD Champion for Sportspeople branding and materials (logo, certificate, copy, images) to showcase your sporting community efforts in creating positive change for sportspeople in Australia.

-Confidence that your participation is giving Australia’s most vulnerable sportspeople the very best chance to avoid addiction to drugs.

-Regular updates on where’d how your participation is saving lives and improving lives.

Are you interested in becoming a Champion for our Sportspeople.
Acknowledgement as a Champion for Sportspeople begins with a Bronze supporter level contribution of $20+ per month. Silver and Gold supporter levels are also available with a contribution of $40+ and $ 80 + per month, respectively.

Who can become a Champion for Sportspeople .
All sporting clubs and associations can get involved by becoming a Champion for Sportspeople.

All sporting clubs and associations seeking to enter into a partnership with the DMWD FOUNDATION should provide confidence of the sporting clubs or associations capacity to participate in regular DMWD FOUNDATION activities and events.

If you have any queries about the Champions for Sportspeople program please feel free to contact a member of our Community Partnership Team by emailing [email protected]


1. DMWD's Champion for Youth & Students

Workplace Giving is an opportunity for you to make ongoing contributions to the DMWD Foundation through your employer’s payroll system. Donations are deducted before your pre-tax pay. This means you receive an instant tax deduction on your donations. You can give any amount you wish from as little as $5.00 per week.

What are the benefits of Workplace Giving?

Here are three great elements of DMWD Foundation’s Workplace Giving program:

  1. You can make regular, pre-tax contributions via a transparent and trustworthy method.
  2. Donations go straight to DMWD Foundation through a low-admin process meaning the maximum amount of your donation reaches those who need it most.
  3. For employers, it’s a great way to build morale and create a collective goal your team can work towards.

If you are interested in setting up a Workplace Giving program where you work, please feel free to get in touch with a member of our Workplace Giving team by emailing [email protected]

Please contact out Community Partnership Manager for more details.

All enquires to [email protected]